Strength Exercise 5

Consider your fitness history and start out realistically. Take into account your personal goals and your lifestyle. Keep in mind that people with written goals are 50 per cent more likely to achieve them.

Seated Fly
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Sit forward in chair. With upper arms against sides, grasp one dumbbell in each hand, palms facing thighs. With elbows slightly bent, lift upper arms straight out to shoulder height. At end of lift, upper arms and forearms will be parallel to floor. Pause. Lower arms.

For each of the exercises, do two sets. Feet should always be shoulder-width apart and flat on the floor to start. Rest minute or so between the sets.

Note: Many women worry that strength training will give them a bulky bodybuilders look, but that doesn't happen on program like this. Studies show that women who lifted weights at least twice a week experienced better health and brain benefits from their workouts.

Warning: Consult your health care provider before beginning any strength training program, particularly if you have some health issues or if you have experienced back, knee, elbow or shoulder pain.

Strength Exercises: