CAM Natural Products

This group includes a variety of products, such as herbs (also known as botanicals), vitamins and minerals, and probiotics. They are widely marketed, readily available to consumers, and often sold as dietary supplements.

We believe that everyone has the right to participate in decisions affecting their health, so with that in mind, we're including information about different products that could be of benefit to you. This site is committed to presenting balanced, relevant and accurate information, but you need to do your own research and find other relevant information in order to make your own decisions (for you and your family members) in the pursuit of good health and well-being.

With so many people today turning to herbal and other natural products, many new companies and their products have appeared on the market. Unfortunately, in the scramble to meet consumer demand and their profits, some have sacrificed quality standards of manufacturing, soil health and conditions, harvesting techniques, freshness, packaging, distribution or some other important factors in producing high quality products.

The best way to know you're getting the highest quality products is to purchase from a reputable company that guarantees the quality and purity of products they provide.

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NOTE: Because there is less information available about complementary and alternative therapies, as well as less regulation of associated products and providers, it is important for consumers to take an active role when they are thinking about using them.

Always check with your health care practitioner before taking herbals or new supplements. They can affect the medicines you take as well any treatment you receive.

It is always important to check for contra-indications before taking any new medicine, herbal or allopathic.

The knowledgeable and wise use of herbs is usually safe, if used properly at the recommended dose

Always check the list of the ingredients and make sure you don't have alergy on any of the ingredients.

In many countries, rules for manufacturing and distributing dietary supplements
are less strict than those for prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

:: What You Should Know ::

There are many myths and misconceptions about CAM Natural Products. Some have a bit of truth to them, but many are preventing people from trying a very effective healing therapy.

Many people, now faced with many chronic diseases, are turning to CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) and ancient healing traditions to achieve health, finding, once again, that they work.

If you plan to take both CAM Natural Products and pharmaceuticals, both your doctor and herbal practitioner should be informed what you’re already taking to avoid prescribing conflicting remedies.

Many people never get to the fine print about the potential dangers of herbal products and other over-the-counter medicines because they are to busy deciding and finding which item will best treat their particular problem.

Natural products and “natural” medicines, contrary to what many may think, are not without side effects. Some can even have serious safety concerns. All medicine should be treated with respect.

The modern use of herbs continues in the belief that herbs work with the natural healing processes of the body and not against them.

Many people believe that herbal medicine is not supported by research, but there is a growing body of research related to herbal medicine, and many healing properties of natural medical products have been known for generations. Every year, more healing plants are being "discovered" by science.

An estimated 25% of all modern pharmaceutical drugs are derived from herbs, including aspirin (from white willow bark); the heart medication digitalis (foxglove); the cancer treatment Taxol (Pacific yew tree); birth-control pill (from Mexican yam).

Before use, learn about CAM natural products by seeking current and accurate
information about effects, safety, and research evidence.