
The field of psychology is the study of sensitivity, action, and consciousness, or briefly, human behavior. Its main problems are development, heredity, instincts, habits, sensation, memory, thinking, and individual differences. Its method is observation and experiment, the same as in all other sciences.

Find answers on basic questions: What is human nature like? Why do we act as we do? How can we make ourselves different? How can we make others different? How can we make our lives more worth while? How we can make ourselves more efficient? We want to help all readers who are interested in the science of psychology to obtain basic knowledge of human nature, to answer those questions and attain knowledge needed to help them in their life.

No knowledge can be of more use to a person than a knowledge of himself/herself and at the same time no study can be more valuable to a person than a study of himself or herself. A study of the laws of human behavior, that is the purpose of the materials provided.

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"The pathological mental life is like a caricature of a face -- each feature is contained, as in the ordinary portrait, but the proportion is distorted, there is too much or too little of chin or of nose. But who can indicate exactly the point where the distortion of the features constitutes a caricature? Every grotesque change in the relations ruins the healthy state: what makes us sure that the harmony of health is spoiled?" ~ Hugo Münsterberg

"It is an acknowledged fact that we perceive errors in the work of others more readily than in our own."

~ Leonardo da Vinci


Environment Articles

Air Pollution
Brain Fog: Does Air Pollution Make Us Less Productive?

The regulation of air pollution has reduced its toll on heart and lung diseases. For example, the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 helped avert an estimated 160,000 deaths and 86,000 hospitalizations in 2010 alone. However, a growing body of research suggests that polluted air also puts our brain in harm’s way.

climate change
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Since its inception the IPCC has produced a series of comprehensive Assessment Reports on the state of understanding of causes of climate change, its potential impacts and options for response strategies. It prepared also Special Reports, Technical Papers, methodologies and guidelines.

gamers proportion image
How Video Games Can Deliver for People and the Environment

Video games are no longer just kids’ stuff, and video games have already made real impact for the Sustainable Development Goals and the urgent global needs they represent. This assessment summarizes recent, relevant, global developments in the video games sector, perspectives from over 50 thought leaders...

"If man can take care of man, nature can take care of the rest." ~ Edwin Way Teale

What You Should Know

The oil, gas, coal, and mining industries stand to lose tremendously if the facts and truth about global warming becomes accepted by world's society.

Significant harm from climate change is already occurring, and further damages are a certainty. The challenge now is to keep climate change from becoming a catastrophe.

It is very strange that those who would accept the general facts of universal natural resources do not perceive that they are taking away mthe ground from under the feet of the natural environment.

It is very important to understand the impacts of 1.5°C global warming above pre-industrial levels and related global emission pathways in the context of strengthening the response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty.