Playing for the Planet
How video games can deliver
for people and the environment
The video game industry is a media platform quickly becoming the fastest growing in the world- with revenues larger than Hollywood, Bollywood, and the world recorded music industry combined. Video games are no longer just kids’ stuff, and video games have already made real impact for the Sustainable Development Goals and the urgent global needs they represent. This assessment summarizes recent, relevant, global developments in the video games sector, perspectives from over 50 thought leaders from the industry, and stand-out examples of world-class games. It extracts six recommendations to provoke new thinking, new collaborations, new games and real-world impact. A new UN study prepared by GRID-Arendal titled “Playing for the Planet, How Video Games Can Deliver for People and Environment” describes how the video game industry, gamers, policymakers and UN Environment can together ‘Play for the Planet’.
Games have already had positive social and environmental impacts. Many companies have used existing games with a mass audience to raise funds for particular causes via in-game purchases and donations.