Gardening Secrets

In the past it was the custom for gardeners to invest their labors and their achievements with a "trade secrets" mystery and secrecy which might well have discouraged any amateur from trespassing upon such difficult ground.

"Gardening secrets" in either flower or vegetable growing were acquired by the apprentice only through practice and observation, and in turn jealously guarded by him until passed on to some younger brother in the profession or to the family member. Now, all that has changed and you could from the beginning do very well, not as well as the experienced gardener, but get real and do not expect the impossible.

Like in any other trade or business, this garden business is a matter of common sense and the man, or the woman, who has learned by experience how to do a thing, whether it is learning the trade, cornering the market or growing vegetables, naturally does it better than the one who has not. Keep in mind that practice makes perfect. So, if some things are not hundred per cent from beginning, don't be disappointed and stop trying.

If you are going to take up gardening, you will have to work, and you will have a great many disappointments but also good results will come to you with more experience.

All information that we, or anyone else, could put between the pages of a guide or two covers of a good book will not make a perfect gardener of you. The best experience must be learned through the practice, as well as from the printed page. But, after all, the greatest reward for all your efforts will be the work itself, not just the final product; and unless you love the gardening, or have a feeling that you will love it, probably the best way for you, is to stick to the grocer for your garden.


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Soil fertility is the third component of healthy soil. The amount of nutrients in the soil, its texture, organic matter, and pH (the measure of alkaline), can all influence the fertility of soil. Organic gardeners often build the natural fertility by adding organic matter to preserve and improve soil structure and modify the soil's pH balance.

"The success or failure of garden is the result mostly of the judgment and carefulness of the gardener."



Gardening Articles

Great Organic Gardening

Whether you are an avid gardener or just starting out, the idea of creating a garden using organic methods can seem overwhelming at first. But organic gardening is less daunting than you may think if you understand some basic principles and can be done right in your own backyard.

Why You Should Garden

There are many reasons why today, more than ever before, every owner of a small place should have his, or her, own garden. The old days of home meat producing, cheese-making, and traditional cooking are gone. The growing of healthy organic vegetables and fruits that taste great cannot be so easy disposed of.

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The Art of Gardening

Most things, in the course of development, change from the simple to the complex. The art of gardening has in many ways been an exception to the rule. The methods of culture used for many crops are more simple than those in vogue a generation ago. The last twenty years has seen also a tremendous...