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Dodechateon Meadia

Dodecatheon Meadia, Mead's Dodecatheon, or American Cowslip
Dodecatheon Meadia, Mead's Dodecatheon, or American Cowslip is plant from Pentandria Monogynia family. This plant grows spontaneously in Virginia and other parts of North America. Flowers begin in May, and the seeds ripen in July, soon after which the stalks and leaves decay, and the roots remain inactive till the following spring.

It is propagated by offsets, which the roots put out freely when they are in a loose moist soil and a shady situation. The best time to remove the roots, and take away the offsets, is in August, after the leaves and stalks are decayed and on that way they may be fixed well in their new situation before the frost comes on. It may also be propagated by seeds, which the plants generally produce in plenty. Seeds should be sown in autumn, soon after they are ripe, either in a shady moist border, or in pots, which should be placed in the shade. In the spring, the plants will come up, and must then be kept clean from weeds If the season is dry, they must be frequently refreshed with water. 

Young plants shouldn't be exposed to the sun because they are very impatient of heat. Great numbers of them could be destroyed in two or three days if they are exposed to the full sun. These young plants also should not be transplanted till the leaves are decayed, then they may be carefully taken up and planted in a shady border, where the soil is loose and moist, at about eight inches distance from each other, which will give them enough room to grow for one year. By that time, they will be strong enough to produce flowers, and may then be transplanted into some shady borders in the flower garden, where they will appear very ornamental during the continuance of their flowers.

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