Popular Proverbs
On this page you will find our collection of proverbs and wise old sayings, collected and sorted for you, so you can enjoy popular wisdom.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. - Latin proverb
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. - English proverb
On a fool's beard all learn to shave. - Spanish proverb
When the tropic-bird screams overhead, a storm-wind is coming. - Mauritian proverb
Little is done where many command. Dutch proverb
After rain comes sunshine. - German proverb
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - English proverb
Practice is the best teacher. - Latin proverb
Always taking out and never putting in, soon reaches the bottom. - Spanish proverb
Nothing is difficult to a willing mind. - Italian proverb
A picture is worth a thousand words. - English proverb
What you lose in the fire, you will find in the ashes. - Mauritian proverb
To accept a favour is to sell one's freedom. - Latin proverb
A word is enough to the wise. - Dutch proverb
Two sparrows on one ear of corn never agree. - Spanish proverb
Blood is thicker than water. - German proverb
Where there's smoke, there's fire. - Latin proverb
The most learned are not the wisest. - Dutch proverb
Birds of a feather flock together. - English proverb
Better twice measured than once wrong. - Danish proverb
Empty pots make the most noise. - Latin proverb
When the cat’s away the mice will play. - French proverb
Almost never killed a fly. - German proverb
Short hose must have long points. - Spanish proverb
When one person knows another by broad daylight, he doesn’t need a candle to recognize him at night. - Caribbean proverb
When the head is sick the whole body is sick. - Dutch proverb
To the grateful man give more than he asks. - Spanish proverb
Labour has a bitter root, but a sweet taste. - Danish proverb
Who has nothing, fears nothing. - Spanish proverb
When a thing is done advice comes too late. - French proverb
Where poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window. - Dutch proverb
The year has a wide mouth and a big belly. - Danish proverb
An empty sack cannot stand up. - Caribbean proverb
Better suffer for truth, than prosper by falsehood. - Danish proverb
Love me a little, but love me long. - French proverb
Who undertakes many things at once seldom does anything well. - Dutch proverb
To change and to improve are two different things. - German proverb
Nothing falls into the mouth of a sleeping fox. - French proverb
If the fields could talk, we should know too many secrets. - Caribbean proverb
Money burns many. French proverb
Old love does not rust. - German proverb
To know the law and do the right are two things. - Danish proverb