10 Tips to Enjoy Life

Now sit back and enjoy these 10 tips which will help you and others enjoy life to the fullest and make you realize that in most cases there is no point in worrying because at the end of the day it isn't really worth it.

DON'T INTERRUPT OTHER PEOPLE'S SENTENCES - People go to therapists because they feel no-one's listening to them. Give friends, family and co-workers that respect. They'll be amazed and relationships will benefit.
MAKE PEACE WITH IMPERFECTION - Life is rarely as you want it to be. Its' just one thing after another, always has been and always will be. The sooner you accept that the better.
WHEN YOU DIE, YOUR IN-TRAY WON'T BE EMPTY - People leave work depressed if they haven't got everything done. Everyone has the same 1,440 minutes in a day - just do the best you can with them.
BE THE FIRST ONE TO ACT LOVING OR REACH OUT - This is important because we are stubborn. I'm not going to be nice to her because she's not being nice to me" then no-one starts the process. Be the first one to act - you'll feel good and bring out the best in yourself and others.
ASK YOURSELF THE QUESTION, "WILL THIS MATTER A YEAR FROM NOW?" - Unless someone is dead or extremely sick, most of the things you're upset about won't matter in an hour, let alone tomorrow.
BE AWARE OF THE SNOWBALL EFFECT OF YOUR THINKING - Don't blow things out of proportion. Dwell on an unimportant event and it quickly turns into a great big deal so fast you don't realize it is happening.
LET GO OF THE IDEA THAT RELAXED PEOPLE CAN'T BE SUPER-ACHIEVERS - There is a myth that unless you're mean ,jumping on people, criticizing everything, you won't get on. When you're relaxed, you have a calmer wisdom, access to the more common sense and see solutions more easily.
CHOOSE BEING KIND OVER BEING RIGHT - People are obsessed with being right and proving it. Therefore, everyone else has to be wrong. If you want to be peaceful and happier, you have to allow other people to be right some of the time.
EVERY DAY, TELL AT LEAST ONE PERSON SOMETHING YOU LIKE OR APPRECIATE ABOUT THEM -You have to make it a habit. Turn your attention to what's right in life not what's wrong. Even if you don't get a compliment back, you'll feel good.
LIVE THIS DAY AS IF IT WERE YOUR LAST ...and treat friends as if it's their last day too. It might well be as we have all found out to our cost. When you spend time with anyone be nice - you'd really regret it if your last conversation was spiteful and mean.

These are only recommendations, but if you were to adopt just half of them, you may enjoy a more fruitful life. Even more important, others may enjoy being with you.

Live so your friends can defend you but never have to.